Our Process

Most people fall short of reaching their financial goals because they procrastinate or make poor short-term decisions based on emotion or misinformation. Working with EWS means you focus on your “Big Picture Plan” which shows real-time progress, so you keep the momentum going. The best way to achieve long-term goals is to stick to a consistent process. Each plan year we guide you through your “Big Picture Plan”.

Step 1: Get Acquainted

  • Initial conversation with your EWS Advisor
  • Get to know each other
  • Allow time to become aware of the EWS process
  • Develop knowledge of EWS technology and approach

Step 2: Discovery

  • Prioritize your goals & objectives and confirm financial data
  • Begin to develop your “Big Picture Plan”
  • Address any questions/concerns about the planning process
  • Discuss the costs associated with entering a formal financial planning agreement

Every family's financial situation is unique. That's why it's so important to find out as much as we can about you and your “Big Picture Plan”. The more we know about you, the more precise recommendations we can make and the more we can help you. As a result, we may take some time to discuss your hopes, dreams, objectives, and the things that really matter to you.


Step 3: “Big Picture Plan” Meeting

  • Schedule a meeting with Associate Advisor
    • Access and introduction to your “Big Picture Plan” Website
      - Start connecting all your outside accounts so you and your advisor can collaborate with real-time information
  • Review inventory of documents we need to draft your plan

Step 4: Location & Direction

  • Review draft financial statements
  • Review your Goals & Objectives and gain clarity
  • Discuss document gathering progress

As needed, we will collaborate with you to identify and prioritize your objectives, then help establish benchmark goals. This is important because we live in a world of unlimited choices. People often fail to achieve objectives because they try to accomplish too much at once, or they don't attach specific deadlines to their goals. By breaking down your goals into specific objectives, you can look at available resources and decide which goals are realistic, and which should be adjusted and scaled down.

Step 5: Strategy Session

  • Review your Balance Sheet (Net Worth Statement)
  • Analyze your cash flow (Inflows vs. Outflows)
  • Discuss our observations and your choices to accomplish your goals

Based on our conversation and analysis, we can recommend the steps that it will take to help you achieve your financial goals.

Step 6: Plan Implementation

  • Answer any questions that arise from your strategy session(s)
  • Present your written “Big Picture Plan”
  • Create a timeline to complete action items and assign tasks to the appropriate person(s)
  • Schedule Annual Plan Reengagement meeting
  • Optional – schedule another Big Picture Plan Website help meeting with an associate advisor
  • Optional – unlimited strategy sessions throughout the plan year (use calendar links provided or call in)

We'll implement your “Big Picture Plan”, and work closely with you and your other third-party professionals to ensure its success. We'll monitor progress and provide ongoing service as your needs and situation change over time.

Strategies need to be adjusted periodically as your life, and the economy changes. We will work with you over the years to help keep your Big Picture Plan on track with your changing needs.